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3D Rendering & Animation Subscription


Is a 3D subscription for me?

Are you a furniture / product manufacturer with a large volume of CGI requirements. Our subscription service is targeted towards you!

With a monthly flat fee you can easily manage your CGI budget while also maximising the amount of content that you can use and re-use.

Benefits of using a 3D subscription service


What's included in your 3D subscription?

We are 3D photorealistic specialist that supply services to product and furniture brands / manufacturers. This is not a general design subscription so you cannot expect us to complete copy writing or website design for example

We provide bulk ecommerce rendering, product animations, 360s, configurators. lifestyle renderings, 3D billboards, product trailers and other product related marketing collateral 

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Hire in house vs CGI subscription

Why wouldn't I just hire an inhouse CGI artist?


Our plans work out on average 20% cheaper than hiring a CGI artist in house. This is based on a UK employee. We can offer expert level design and output for a junior price especially when you factor in other employee costs such as recruitment.


Do you have quiet periods in your business, when you are not releasing any new products or creating a lot of marketing / sales content? If you do, you might find yourself scrambling to find something for your inhouse CGI artist to do while you wind up paying for unproductive hours. You can pause our plans anytime and re-use the remaining days at a later date.


You can quickly move up to our pro plan to immediately x2 our production rather than spend the time and money to recruit another staff member. We can upgrade your plan to 2 requests at a time straight away and begin producing work at a higher rate

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